Sunday 1 September 2013

30 day snap #30!

#30 - Everything I love.

So basically I feel very blessed to have such amazing people around me all the time. So as this is my last '30 day snap' I thought I'd tell you a little bit about them. 

In the top left hand corner of the picture, it shows me and my best friend Laura. We've known each other from birth and have always been very close so as we aren't going to see much of each other in sixth form it's quite emosh!

The top middle photograph is of me and my sister. I don't love anyone more than her and she is my very best friend! (Awh!)
We are also very close and I don't know what I'd do without her!

I've had my dog Bonnie for 3 years now, and although lively and slightly hyper, I love her to bits! 

The bottom left picture is of me and my mum. I would have a picture of my dad too, but I really don't have many photos of him haha! (Oops). I love them both very much as they do so much for me.

The bottom right picture is a picture of my two closest friends. One of them being Laura and the other, Lily. They make me laugh so much and as you can probably tell from the picture we're quite weird together haha!

I feel like I've rambled on a bit but I can't say enough about these people! Of course there are many others I'd like to write about, but I'll save that for a different day. 

I've enjoyed doing the 30 day snap and glad that I stuck to it. I'll now return to writing weekly blogs (every Tuesday) which I am most looking forward to!

Hope you're all well!

Amy x


  1. lovely photos! love your blog, followed on gfc & bloglovin! would love it if you could check out my blog xxx

  2. Lovely blog! It's so sad when you know someone who has been such a big part of your life isn't going to be there everyday! When I started my first year of Uni last year it was so odd knowing I wouldn't be seeing friends I'd known for years everyday! Make sure you keep in touch often! Enjoy sixth form! xox

    1. Thank you! I know it's going to be so strange! But we'll definitely keep I'm touch during sixth form :) thank you, I'm looking forward to it :) xx
